Edupanda » Mechanika budowli »  Displacements by Maxwell-Mohr Method » Simple beams

List of examples

Example 1


Calculate the vertical displacement of point B and the rotation angle at point B. Consider only the influence of bending moments.

Example 2


Calculate the vertical displacement of point B and the rotation angle at point B. Consider only the influence of bending moments.

Example 3


Calculate the vertical displacement of point B and the rotation angle at point A. Take into account only the influence of bending moments.

Example 4


Calculate the vertical displacement of the point and the angle of rotation of the free end of the beam. Consider only the influence of bending moments.

Example 5


Calculate the rotation angle of point B, taking into account the influence of bending moments, cutting forces, normal forces, and temperature. Data: \( b = 4cm, E = 205GPa, G = 80GPa, t_g = 20^oC, t_d = -20^oC, t_m = 0^oC, \alpha = 1.2 \cdot 10^{-5}, \kappa = 1.2\)

Example 6


Calculate the rotation angle of point B, taking into account the influence of bending moments, shear forces, normal forces, and temperature. Data: \(b=9cm, h=18cm, E=205GPa, G=80GPa, t_g=20^oC, t_d=-10^oC, t_m=15^oC, \alpha=1.2\cdot 10^{-5}, \kappa=1.2\)

Example 7


Calculate the rotation angle of point A, taking into account the influence of bending moments, shear forces, normal forces, and temperature. Data: \(b=9cm, h=18cm, E=205GPa, G=80GPa, t_g=20^oC, t_d=-10^oC, t_m=0^oC, \alpha=1.2\cdot 10^{-5}, \kappa=1.2\)