Edupanda » Mechanika budowli » Dynamics » 2 SSD free vibrations
List of examples
Example 1

To determine the natural frequencies of the given beam and draw their shapes. Check the orthogonality condition. Data: \( EI = 3.5 \cdot 10^5 kNm^2, m = 750kg \)
Example 2

For the given beam, determine the natural frequencies of vibration and plot their shapes. Check the orthogonality condition.
Example 3

To determine the natural frequencies and draw their shapes for the given frame. Check for orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 4

To determine the natural frequencies and draw their modes for the given frame. Check the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 5

To determine the natural frequencies of the given beam and draw their shapes. Check the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 6

To determine the natural frequencies and draw their shapes for the given frame. Check the condition of orthogonality. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 7

To determine the natural frequencies of the given frame and draw their shapes. Check the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 8

To calculate the natural frequencies for the given structure and draw their shapes. Check the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 9

To determine the natural frequencies and draw their shapes for the given frame. Check the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.
Example 10

To determine the natural frequencies of the given structure and plot their shapes. Verify the orthogonality condition. Estimate the fundamental natural frequency using approximate methods.