Edupanda » Strength of materials »  Axial Tension and Compression » Statically Determinate - Bar Systems

List of examples

Example 1


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \(a=1 m, P=15 kN, q=8 \frac{kN}{m}, M=6 kNm, k_r=80 MPa, k_c=120 MPa, E=2\cdot10^5 MPa\)

Example 2


Calculate the distance x at which the concentrated force P should be applied in order to cause parallel movements of the beam AB downwards. All bars have the same circular cross-section.

Data: \(l=1 m, P=10 kN\)

Example 3


On the ABC support composed of a copper support AB and a steel tie rod AC, a weight G = 50 kN is suspended. Determine the diameter D of the tie rod and the dimension a of the square cross-section of the copper support AB, assuming the permissible stresses for copper and steel. Determine the horizontal and vertical displacement of point A.

Data: \( k_c (m) = 40 MPa, k_r (st) = 160 MPa, E_s = 2.1 \cdot 10^5 MPa, E_m = 1.15 \cdot 10^5 MPa, AB = 1.2 m\)

Example 4


Calculate the diameter of the rod d.

Data: \(k_r=60 MPa, k_c=80 MPa\)

Example 5


Calculate the dimension of rod a.

Data: \(k_r=k_c=80 MPa\)

Example 6


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the vertical displacement of point C. The OC element is a rigid beam, and the AB element is a tie (lattice rod).

Data: \(k_r=k_c=100 MPa, E=200 GPa\)

Example 7


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \( k_r=k_c=100 MPa, E=2\cdot 10^5 MPa\)

Example 8


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \(k_r=k_c=100 MPa, E=2\cdot 10^5 MPa\)

Example 9


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \(a=1 m, P=10 kN, q=6 kN/m, M=8 kNm, k_r=80 MPa, k_c=120 MPa, E=2\cdot10^5 MPa\)

Example 10


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \(k_r=k_c=100 MPa, E=2\cdot 10^5 MPa\)

Example 11


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Data: \(l=1 m, k_r=k_c=120 MPa, E=200 GPa\)

Example 12


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the elongation of the rod \(\Delta_l\).

Given: \(k_r=80 MPa, k_c=60 MPa, E=200 GPa\)

Example 13


Calculate the diameter of a rod d.

Data: \(k_r=k_c=100 MPa\)

Example 14


Calculate the diameter of the rod d.

Data: \(k_r=k_c=100 MPa\)

Example 15


Calculate the diameter of the rod d and the vertical displacement of point C.

Given: kr=120 MPa, E=210 GPa

Example 16


Calculate the diameter of the rod d, elongation of the rods \(\Delta_l\), and displacement of point B.

Data: \(P=30 kN, k_{g_{BC}}=60 MPa, k_{g_{AB}}=180 MPa, E_{BA}=210 GPa, E_{BC}=10 GPa\)

Example 17


Calculate the displacement of point A. Data: P, a, EA.